
IP Address Management

10:39 PM | , , , , , , , , , ,

What is IP Address Management or IPAM?

By breaking down and assigning your internal IP block into segments allows faster troubleshooting when monitoring the network and seeing an erratic IP. Because you’ve segmented the IPs out, you’ll know exactly which segment it’s coming from and can narrow down finding it faster.

Why manage IPs?

Easily track when network monitor software shows errors. If you’re logged on locally to a User’s computer and you’re mapping batch file didn’t run and you need to get a file from one of your servers you don’t have to know the server name, you can simply type \\192.168.1.x to get access to the server you’re needing the file from.

In the scenario I explain below, we’ll have 1 External IP, 5 servers ((Static) 1 handles DHCP (2k3)), 10 printers (Static), 200 wired PCs/users (DHCP).

There are several different ways to set up exact scenarios. This scenario will explain IP Address Management (IPAM) for a small network using my experience and knowledge.

For ease of use, we’re going to say that this is in a brand new facility where no IPs have been assigned and you, as the LAN Admin, have just been told your internet connection is in place and ready to use (this is where the single external IP comes from).

You already know how many devices will be connected to your network in the beginning so it’s now time to lay out a plan. Since most everyone is familiar with the 192.168.1.x IPs, I’ll stick with those. Technically, your first IP is and your last is which gives you 256 IPs. I don’t know of anyone that uses Since we’re human, the first number to us is 1. To a computer, the first number is 0. I don’t think .255 is useable so really, you have 254 IPs available. Your 5 servers should get your first 5 IP addresses and assign them statically even though you can control static assignment in DHCP. You don’t want there to be any chance of these servers losing their IP addresses so you don’t want them to depend on DHCP for IP assignment.

Server 1 also happens to be your DHCP server:
Server 2:
Server 3:
Server 4:
Server 5:

You have to account for growth so leave .6 through .9 open for future servers whether they’re physical or virtual, they’ll need an IP.

You have 10 printers that will be used by multiple users. IPs in the next segment of the block can be statically assigned at the printer or via the DHCP server…your choice. Every office has a “main” printer/copier/fax. Give it If you think far enough in advance and know that Group 1 will use printer 1 then assign printer 1, printer 2 for Group 2 would get, etc. all the way through .19. In my experience, if there’s any one piece of equipment you’ll add to your network more than any other, it’ll be a printer. Somebody in one of those groups will get tired of walking 15 feet to the printer and suck up to the boss to get their own printer. Then, people within 5 feet of that person will want to share with them so they don’t have to walk 15 feet to get their stuff either. So that printer will need to be on the network vs. just connected directly to the complainers PC and shared. Lucky you. By the way, remember at the beginning I said this was a brand new facility….hopefully, the people that ran the network drops put in 2 cables at each requested location. Otherwise, you’ll either need to run a cable or take the easy way out and install a 5 port switch. Trust me when I say leave plenty of IPs open for future printers. I would assign .10 through .29 for printers. This gives you 20 IPs for printers so you’ll have 10 IPs free after installing the initial 10 printers.

Finally, we have 200 PCs that will all be hardwired to the LAN and will each need an IP. Starting at .30 going through and including .254 gives you 225 IPs. I’d start my scope in DHCP at .40 through .254. That gives you 215 IPs for users (15 extra) and that also leaves 10 IPs open at the lower range (.30 through .39) for device growth. One thing I didn’t mention yet was managed switches. They’ll need IPs. You can do those at the high end of the spectrum so they’re “out of the way”. Maybe assign them .254, .253, .252, etc. depending on how many you have.

IPAM can get pretty deep especially if you’re dealing with 100’s of PCs and devices. This is where subnetting comes in. I’ll go into further detail in another article, but just for gee whiz this is the tip of the iceberg on subnetting:

For example, with a subnet of is not on the same network as with a subnet of even though they both might be in the same building. However, if you change the third octet in the subnet to 0 like this now with a subnet of and with a subnet of are on the same network. The 255 is sort of a true/false in simple terms, but can get pretty complex if you’re trying to keep networks separate. I’m not a subnet guru by any means, but if you Google subnet calculator you can get a pretty good appreciation for its complexity.

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What Is An IP Address?

10:27 PM | , , , , , , , ,

IP Address (Internet Protocol Address):

This number is an exclusive number all information technology devices (printers, routers, modems, et al) use which identifies and allows them the ability to communicate with each other on a computer network. There is a standard of communication which is called an Internet Protocol standard (IP). In laymans terms it is the same as your home address. In order for you to receive snail mail at home the sending party must have your correct mailing address (IP address) in your town (network) or you do not receive bills, pizza coupons or your tax refund. The same is true for all equipment on the internet. Without this specific address, information cannot be received. IP addresses may either be assigned permanently for an Email server/Business server or a permanent home resident or temporarily, from a pool of available addresses (first come first serve) from your Internet Service Provider. A permanent number may not be available in all areas and may cost extra so be sure to ask your ISP.

Domain Name System (DNS): This allows the IP address to be translated to words. It is much easier for us to remember a word than a series of numbers. The same is true for email addresses.

For example, it is much easier for you to remember a web address name such as than it is to remember or in the case of email it is much easier to remember than email@

Dynamic IP Address: An IP address that is not static and could change at any time. This IP address is issued to you from a pool of IP addresses allocated by your ISP or DHCP Server. This is for a large number of customers that do not require the same IP Address all the time for a variety of reasons. Your computer will automatically get this number as it logs on to the network and saves you the trouble of having to know details regarding the specific network configurations. This number can be assigned to anyone using a dial-up connection, Wireless and High Speed Internet connections. If you need to run your own email server or web server, it would be best to have a static IP.

Static IP Address: An IP address that is fixed and never changes. This is in contrast to a dynamic IP address which may change at any time. Most ISP's a single static IP or a block of static IP's for a few extra bucks a month.

IP version 4: Currently used by most network devices. However, with more and more computers accessing the internet, IPv4 addresses are running out quickly. Just like in a city, addresses have to be created for new neighborhoods but, if your neighborhood gets too large, you will have to come up with an entire new pool of addresses. IPv4 is limited to 4,294,967,296 addresses.

IP version 5: This is an experimental protocol for UNIX based systems. In keeping with standard UNIX (a computer Operating System) release conventions, all odd-numbered versions are considered experimental. It was never intended to be used by the general public.

IP version 6: The replacement for the aging IPv4. The estimated number of unique addresses for IPv6 is 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 or 2^128.

The old and current standard of addresses was this: the new way can be written different ways but means the same and are all valid:

* 1080:0000:0000:0000:0000:0034:0000:417A

* 1080:0:0:0:0:34:0:417A

* 1080::34:0:417A


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multimedia presentation using power point

10:12 PM | , , , ,

How to create effective multimedia presentation using power point?

To present one's ideas across clearly, most of us us Microsoft Office Power Point. MS Powerpoint is a great application to create and do stylish and informative presentations. These days, people are using power point to include video clips and audio clips to create a multimedia presentation. Here are some tips on how to use video clips and create a power point presentation.

  1. The size of the video
    After inserting video files into presentations the size of the presentation file (.ppt) becomes too big. Therefore to run this presentation a powerful computer with more system memory is required. Due to this reason, some do not show the video clip on 'full screen'. Instead they use a smaller screen for the video. For example in a 640 x 480 resolution monitor a 320 x 240 size video clip will be smaller when viewed. Therefore it is best to keep the size of the video as 640 x 480. A video with this size (640x480) will appear clear on all monitors with different resolutions such as 640x480, 800 x 600, 1024x768, 1280x1024.
  2. Compression
    Most of the people choose the MPEG 2 video compression format. However, Microsoft's Widows Media Video (WMV) and Real Network's Real Video compression methods are also pretty good.

    Between Widows media video and Real video which is better? Which takes the least CPU time and processing power? Even an average computer can run Windows media video files and hence most of them choose windows media video. Moreover this WMV format is most suitable for Powerpoint. Hence I suggest to use the MWV format for compression for use in power piont.
  3. Book marking a scene or a frame in a video
    If you are going to insert a very big video into the power point presentation it is better to use the software Windows Media Encoder File Editor. When you download the windows media encoder, this file editor is also downloaded together with this software. Using this software you can bookmark important scenes in the video. The presenter can jump to any book marked scene in the video while doing the presentation.
  4. How to Insert a video inside the presentation
    There are three ways how you can insert video into a powerpoint presentation. Let us see which method is the best.

    1. Insert Movies and Sounds is the mostly used method. A window will be shown within the slide where you can insert the video and play it by clicking on the window.

    2. Insert Object is another method where you can insert the Windows media player as the object. Once you have inserted the media player object right click on this object and choose 'properties'. In the properties window you can show the media controls and in the 'Custom' button you can browse and select the video file stored in your hard disk. This insert object method is the best to show media controls such as Volume control, slider bar, zoom in, zoom out, full screen etc.

    3. Action Button. The above two methods are not suitable to show real video and quick time videos inside the power point presentation. But if you have only real video or quick time format video then you can use the 'Action Button' option from the 'Slide Show' menu. Using the action button option you can run any windows applications from within the presentation. So using this option you can choose real video or the quicktime player. If you click the action button the player will be started and the video will run.
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what is application software and Operating system

10:09 PM | , , , , , ,

what is an Operating system?

To run the installed programs in your computer, to manage the system memory, to manage the file structure in your harddisk, to identify the file extensions and application types and use them accordingly, an operating system is required. Without this operating system, no computer can work. Some of the populare operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Unix, Linux and Solaris.

What is an Application software?

An application written to solve a specific need or requirement is an application software. This can be further classified into customized application software and generic application software. Some example of a generic application software are MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia freehand etc. Customized application software are applications developed for a particular company to suit their workflow and automate their processes. There are many software development companies that develop this type of applications.

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Imaging software equivalent to Photoshop

10:07 PM | , , , , ,

Is there a free Imaging software equivalent to Photoshop? What is GIMP?

For handling images in computers most of us use Adobe Photoshop. There is no doubt that Photoshop gives unlimited features for creating and handling images. Printing works, Banners and magazine designs all need images. Photoshop is widely used for all these. But Adobe photoshop is not free. It is illegal to use pirated copies of the software. However a free software is available which can do most of the things photoshop can do. It is called GIMP.

GNU Image Manipulation Program is the full form of GIMP. This is a very popular free open source software that runs on many operating systems and can create, edit and manipulate images much like photoshop. You can download this GIMP software freely from for Windows, Linux, Mac Os or Linux Os.

Do not just download the software from the above website. You can also get details from there about how to install, how to use GIMP from this website.

What is GIMP?

GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. Some call it as General Image Manipulation Program.

To draw images, to handle images, to enhance images GIMP is very useful. Almost everything you do in Photoshop can be done using GIMP. And it is Free. Free software foundation has released this software under the GNU (General Public Licence). Therefore you can even view the source code of this software freely. You can also copy this software and distribute it freely.

How to install GIMP?

If you want the full source code of GIMP and want to compile it yourself then goto and download the appropriate file for your operating system. Then install it on your computer. Instead if you want the pre-built binary packages of GIMP, download the latest installer from . (recommended) In Windows, installation is very easy by running the executable file. Let us see how to install GIMP in linux. Give this command in your computer.


Now the compressed files will be extracted. Now goto the extracted folder and give the following three commands.

/ Configure


make uninstall

What are the features available in GIMP?

There are many tools available in GIMP. Paintbrush, airbrush, ctone, blur, sharpen are tools related to painting. There are tools to handle text too. Other tools to change images such as rotation, scaling, flipping, sheearing are also available. Selection tools such as square, oval or freehand tools are available. GIMP can handle image formats such as Tiff, Gif, Jpeg, Bmp, PPm image formats. You can convert images from one format to another format. Other tools such as layers, transparency and scripts are also available.

You can create images according to your imagination. You can get tools from the menu bar or right click and choose from the shortcut menu.

You can convert the created image to CMYK format to print. Colour mixer is another important feature.

As noted above, GIMP has many features as in Adobe photoshop and is freely available. However, GIMP is inferior it photoshop in some ways in terms of quality and power.


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